Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Response: Thinking with Type

This may be weird to others not in this class, but you guys will understand. I loved this reading! It was nice seeing some of my favorite fonts in this book.
Baskerville is a font that I like for it's simple, classic professionalism. Reading the history behind it was intriguing because I actually got to learn about something of interest to me. Writing stories and editing stories, may not be my favorite thing, but I do them because I know it will make me more marketable and a better overall journalist. Reading the history of these fonts and typography in general is something that specifically pertains to my designing aspirations.
It was also nice seeing the part about writing your own texts and designing your own typography because I have really been interested in figuring out how to do this. Seeing Chelsea do this the other day, I can't lie, I was really inspired especially after having read that section. Below I have attached a photo of the sketch f handmade designed typography.

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