Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I could respond to many things, but my main response would have to involve our Meredith presentations. First, I don't want to sound mean, but working with a group of people who don't seem as interested in getting things done as you can be a little frustrating. When we were working on our designs we didn't have over half of our content and the only thing I can say is sometimes we have to realize people think our jobs are easy. Talking with somebody outside of school and telling them what I am majoring in, they think it's a joke. I take offense to that and you designers out there should too. I think sometimes we do such a great job (yes, our class has some pretty talented people) that people begin to think it's the easiest thing in the world and it only takes minutes. Well, we all know that's not true; while we can bust out good designs in hours, I know I prefer at least a day to prepare. I don't know, just something quick I thought I would respond to.

  • What do y'all think? 
  • Are you having problems with you Meredith groups?

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