Tuesday, April 2, 2013


While I did have some time to relax on spring break, I spent a lot of time working and designing. Over break my men of Stephens feature design was published. Overall, I don't really have anything to critique on this feature seeing as we revised it 3-4 times before it was sent off to print. My only critique was on myself and like I said patience is a virtue. I received everything for the story the night before the first draft was due. While this has happened before with the covers, it was a little more nerve wrecking for a feature. 

The Friday of break I found out that I was designing the "On the Map" feature, it was interesting working on that considering it was several vignettes. I wanted to include an element throughout each of the vignettes that could tie them all together, so I added a sliver of the map behind each title. I was really interested reading the stories and wanted to have a cool way to display all of the stories on one page and draw the reader in. I'm not sure if Hayley's cover was chosen, but I kind of played with her idea of having the collage. I thought if hers was chosen it would be the best way to have a correlation between the print and digital versions. Also I liked the leads of most of the stories and thought that would be a great way to draw the reader in, so I paired them with pictures and made them into the table of contents. I really like Abadi (font) right now for it's clean, thin look so I paired that with Baskerville on the pages. I'm gonna save my 3 Martini Lunch covers until next week, as well as my department pages for 04.04.13. That's all for now. Hope you had a great break and Easter holiday.

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